For this Years Valentines Day we wanted to combine it with The Favorite Couple? and make a special edition in witch every anime couple that was here, at the World of Anime, should spend a special Valentines Day together, each character. With this ocasion we wanted to introduce to you the future couples that will be COMING SOON here with us, as one of the couples month in The Favorite Couple?So , take a look at our future couples, and dont forget to spend the best V-Day with the one you L.O.V.E!-Vanesa :D
Future Couples:
Soul and Maka

Yuki and Luka

Inuyasha and Kagome

Sasha and Mafuyu

Oz and Alice

Lelouch and C.C.

Hei and Yin

Shicika and Togame

Couples of the Month from T.W.o.A :
Riuuji and Taiga
Ryuuki and Shuurei

Ryoshy and Ryoko

Kobato and Fujimoto-kun

Kei and Hikari

Amu and Ikuto